When we have to chew longer (such as crunchy food), we eat half as slowly and consume less food, and we feel full much faster, according to a Dutch study. In other words, the effective trick for losing weight lies not only in the quantity and nutritional value, but also in the texture of our meal. This way, we can still enjoy some of our favorite foods and effectively prevent overeating.
When the lunch had a harder and crunchier texture, regardless of the degree of processing, people consumed 26 percent fewer calories, the study showed. Some of the foods that were included in the trial were boiled rice instead of soft mashed potatoes, crunchy salad and chicken breast instead of fish. In addition, instead of mangoes, the interviewees received a fresh apple , instead of a flavored yogurt drink, ordinary thick yogurt , and instead of tartar sauce, they received tomato salsa .
In a study involving 50 volunteers, researchers from Wageningen University offered four similar meals. Two were classified as maximally processed , and the other two were minimally processed . One meal in each category was crunchier, while the other was easier to consume, the "Daily Mail" reports.
If the meal is crunchy and hard, we consume up to 300 calories less
All meals had the same amount of calories and were rated similarly for how good they tasted. However, people who consumed harder and crunchier food consumed as much as 300 fewer calories. The researchers believe this is because they had to chew their food for much longer before swallowing, which may lead people to pay more attention to their food and slow down the rate at which they eat.
The lowest average calorie intake in the study was 483 calories , when participants ate a harder, minimally processed meal. The highest intake, at an average of 790 calories, comes from bland, ultra-processed meals.
"We've had evidence for more than a decade now that when people choose foods that make them eat more slowly, such as crunchy or hard foods, they can consume fewer calories but still feel full," Professor Ciaran said. Forde, one of the authors of the study.
"What is interesting is that in this way people can enjoy their favorite foods, but they will prevent the risk of overeating. They can eat and feel full, and not as if they have imposed dietary prohibitions on themselves."
The team previously did a similar experiment, in which they found that even just one carrot could be eaten three times slower when it was cut into large pieces and without any additional sauce, such as mayonnaise. In the future, they want to investigate whether meal texture and speed of food consumption can affect calorie intake over a longer, two-week period. Their goal is to show that the way we eat can also affect the size of the portion.