Google admitted to embellishing a viral video showing the capabilities of the Gemini software

Google admitted to embellishing a viral video showing the capabilities of the Gemini software

For the viral video that went viral yesterday, in which Google showed off what its new Gemini AI software is capable of, many said it seemed too good to be true. Just 24 hours after its publication, Google itself admitted that the footage had been enhanced to make it look better.

The video with which the company Google presented its new software with artificial intelligence, Gemini , just a few days ago , went around the world in just a few hours. Many fans of technology and modern software solutions, as well as developers who had the opportunity to try the beta version of the software, all declared that Gemini is the best thing they have seen.

However, then something unexpected happened : Google admitted that it had embellished the video.
Google admitted to embellishing a viral video showing the capabilities of the Gemini software

Gemini maybe not so smart?

A video released by Google on the day of the launch showed the extraordinary capabilities of their new AI software: it is fast, creative and very resourceful. At least that's the impression one gets.

However, what no one paid attention to is the description of the video, in which Google states that everything is not as it seems and that the video is sped up. In addition, it was also stated that Gemini did not respond at all to the user's voice queries.

"We used still frames of images from the video and made queries using text commands," Google executives told the BBC

The video that "set fire" to the Internet
The viral video has collected over 2.2 million views in just 3 days since it was published on the official YouTube account of Google. In it, a person asks a series of questions to the Gemini software while displaying objects on the screen.

For example, at one point the demonstrator holds a rubber duck in his hands and asks Gemini if ​​it can float. At first, the AI ​​software isn't sure what material it's made of , but after the user crushes it and Gemini hears the beeping that toys usually make, it correctly responds that it can float.

In reality, what was going on behind the scenes looked like this : The AI ​​software was shown a static image of a rubber duck and given a text explanation that it emits a beep when squeezed. Based on this, Gemini concluded that she could float because she was rubber.

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